Fatbitch night - Silvia Trix (Apex recording, Afu ) circoloZOLLA

Fatbitch night - Silvia Trix (Apex recording, Afu ) circoloZOLLA


Event organized by Zolla

From 22:00 to 04:00 - Terminated event -

From Saturday 8 December 2018 until Sunday 9 December 2018


Circolo Zolla è lieto di ospitare la FATBITCH techno night.

Dalle 23:00 gireranno i dischi di:
- SILVIA TRIX (apex recording , AFU lab , Bsr )
- Cruzio (FatBitch)
- Piso vs Nella (T.A.C.)

Durante la serata punto vendita vinili electro-techno-house by Emiemme

ingresso riservato ai soli soci
Circolo Zolla (ex Dong) - Montefiore -Recanati

Silvia Trix is a female DJ grown up in Rome
...'s underground scene, beginning her professional career in spring 2007. In the last year she started producing the music that is now the foundation of her dj-sets. Her first EP was released in February 2011. She is currently working on various musical projects for different labels including Black Sam and Plettro records


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