Rome in Monochrome ☩ Ars Onirica ☩ Dreariness // Traffic Club

Rome in Monochrome ☩ Ars Onirica ☩ Dreariness // Traffic Club


Evento organizzato da Traffic Live

Dalle ore 21:00 alle 03:00 - Evento terminato -

Da venerdì 13 dicembre 2019 fino a sabato 14 dicembre 2019


Metamorphosis Club & Traffic Live proudly presents:
☩ Dance of December Souls Fest. Act II ☩

Friday 13th December at Traffic Club, Eternal City of Rome.

Venerdì 13 Dicembre secondo appuntamento per DODS Act.II, evento annuale dalle forti tinte oscure, un sound albionico-scandinavo creato a metà anni '90, un filo conduttore che arriva fino ai giorni nostri.
Blackgaze, doom, gothic metal, depressive black metal, shoegaze, slowcore, post-rock? What
... else?

☩ ROME IN MONOCHROME [Solitude productions]
☩ ARS ONIRICA [Depressive Black/Doom]
☩ DREARINESS [Nostalgia Productions]

Rome In Monochrome is an italian hybrid creature made of melancholy, an abstract projection of future music, in a lifeless room after doom, s¬hoegaze, slowcore, post-rock, darkwave, progressive have been found dead: a vocal/guitar driven post music, a triumph of resignation and whole confinement, an austere mask hiding the absolute nonsense of life, a photo album filled with misty landscapes and deserted hearts.
The band was founded in 2013 and after several line-up changes and target adjustments, in 2015 released the debut EP "Karma Anubis": the instrumental track "Endmusic" was chosen as the original soundtrack to the booktrailer of the literary opera "Finestre Incendiate" by Anna Rita Martire for the literary contest SpiritiLib(e)ri in which the book and the trailer emerged as winners of the respective categories.
In February 2018 Rome In Monochrome have signed with Solitude Productions/Bad Mood Man Music and released the first full-lenght album "Away from Light" in March. The album has been recorded, mixed and produced by Fabio Fraschini (Novembre, Arctic Plateau) at PlayRec Studio and mastered by Dan Swanö at Unisound AB Studios. It features Carmelo Orlando from Novembre on screaming vocals on "Paranoia Pitch Black" and it’s dressed up with a desolate landscape by Rhett Podersoo/Machineroom Art.
Rome In Monochrome’s live shows are introspective, elegant and deep experiences of intimate descent into a magnetic and obscure mood, where the band faces ghost emotions and painful memories and brings you by the hand to do the same: they headlined many shows and shared the stage with The Foreshadowing, Onslaught, Anathema (acoustic), Antimatter, Nosound, Shores of Null, Thurisaz, Pantheist, Marche Funebre and others, also opening the 2018 edition of Agglutination Festival (sharing the stage with Death SS, Pestilence, Folkstone, Necrodeath and others).
When you feel you are haunted by your ghosts, just listen: Rome In Monochrome is whispering into your ears that we are all dead, even when alive. Life makes no sense at all, what we long for is aimless and however impossible: to feel, to thrill, to live, to be.
You will be overwhelmed by a liquid, massive ocean of grief, a gentle storm of sorrow, swallowed by a caressing maelstrom of woeful void. Join the cult of the absence of color.

Dreariness OFFICIAL
Dreariness is an Italian blackgaze / depressive black metal project born in 2012, a collaboration between Grìs, Torpor, and Tenebra (who joined the band after May Deathly Hollow left Dreariness). Dreariness is a project born with the desire to be overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions, through the fusion of classic sounds and themes characteristics of depressive black metal, with those of post-black metal / black-gaze. During January 2013 Nostalgia Productions released the debut album "My Mind is too Weak to Forget". After almost 4 years, during November 2016, again Nostalgia Productions released the second album "Fragments".

Ars Onirica - I: Cold
The first full-length album of the Italian one man band Ars Onirica represents a junction between melodic doom metal, black metal and dark metal. This work inherits the demo that was released many years ago and has received high evaluation from the audience. The album contains a carefully crafted combination of dense riffs and atmospheric interludes, calm and aggressive moments, including acoustic parts and melodic guitar solos. This wide set of music components creates a unique mixture of the mood of the classical groups of the 90’s with the modern dark scene features appreciated by the fans of the genre.

Gli Ars Onirica nascono nel 2003 sotto influenze death metal riconducibili ad Opeth, Katatonia e Novembre.
Nel 2004 il gruppo produce il demo dal titolo "Utopia: A Winternight's Traveller" per poi fermarsi per molti anni.
Nel 2018 il progetto riprende vita per volontà del chitarrista Alessandro Sforza.
Il sound attuale della band attinge ancora al metal scandinavo ma con una maggiore suggestione Doom/Black in stile primi Katatonia, Forgotten Tomb e Shining, senza però tralasciare mai la vena atmosferica e sperimentale.

L'evento fa parte di #ALTRNTV, uno dei progetti speciali in cartellone nella #BiennaleMArteLive di Dicembre 2019 che si svolge in tutta Roma e nel Lazio.

Aftershow by_ Metamorphosis Club Group

Gothic Metal | Doom | Heavy Psych | Stoner
Wave | Gothic Rock | Post-Punk | Neo-Folk

► Open 10pm // Close 5am // Ticket 7€

Traffic Club, Via Prenestina 738, Roma

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