Off SO - Screening In Milan #3 // Orvieto Cinema Fest

Off SO - Screening In Milan #3 // Orvieto Cinema Fest


Evento organizzato da Macao

Dalle ore 20:00 alle 21:30 - Evento terminato -

Da lunedì 24 febbraio 2020 fino a lunedì 24 febbraio 2020


Off SO with Orvieto Cinema Fest
Screening in Milan
24 February
21:00 - 22:30
— Limited seats - 30 places.
Registration is suggested, write us AT ANYTIME on

Orvieto Cinema Fest presents its monthly short movie encounter in Milan. As our partners in the project #SO_Tatreezdesign, they selected for us 4 short movies which revolve around social issues.
For the third event of this series, our special guests Bep Tufarulo will be with us to speak about his work.

Short movies scheduled

— "Frontiera" by Alessandro Di Gregorio
— "The Role" by Farnoosh Samadi
— "Dulce" by Angello Faccini, Guille Isa
— "Baradar" by Beppe Tufarulo

Photo taken from "Baradar" by Beppe Tufarulo

Macao and Cinemacello supports the project #SO_tatreezdesign that comes in help to Tatreez Design by welcoming us this winter season in their space.

Meet us every month for a great selection of movies and stay tuned to have more info about the next screenings to come!
Participating to the activities promoted by SO_sarpi you contribute to the fundraising campaign #SO_tatreezdesign in support of Tatreez Design.

For SO_ci : 5€ cinema ticket
For New SO_ci : 7€ including the annual membership card and your cinema ticket

*The screening room is on your left, up the stairs, before the entrance of the building.

Orvieto Cinema Fest

The festival is born from a passion for cinema, as a high artistic and cultural expression and is based on the desire to promote the art of short movies
Orvieto cinema fest aims to create fertile ground for a network of emerging talents, to create a selection of quality shorts.

Macao is an independent center for art, culture and research.
Macao is currently based in a former slaughterhouse in the middle of a huge abandoned area not so far from the center of the city.

Cinemacello MACAO
The Cinemacello hosts film, documentary, video art, animation, off-format shows, overcoming the restrictions and barriers to access produced by the system.

Project by
Tatreez Design

IRD Modena
Orvieto Cinema Fest

Pitch the Noise records
Dueper Design

Birrificio La Ribalta

To take part of our activities you have to be a SO_cio.
The annual membership card costs 10€.


Macao è uno spazio di tutt_, per tutt_, che si impegna perché ogni individuo che lo attraversa si senta pienamente accolt_ e amat_.
Promuoviamo la liberazione dei corpi.
Promuoviamo l’incontro e la commistione di anime diverse.

Celebriamo la libertà di espressione di ogni tipo di sessualità e genere di appartenenza e coltiviamo la contaminazione come forma più nobile di conoscenza e crescita individuale e collettiva.
SIAMO ORGOGLIOSAMENTE QUEER, pansessuali, pervers_ e polimorf_.
Entrando in questo spazio accetti questi termini e condizioni, e ti impegni a rapportarti con rispetto assoluto alle sensibilità e ai corpi che lo abitano.


Nuovo Centro per le Arti, la Cultura, la Ricerca
Viale Molise 68, Milano

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